We Develop Future Health Professionals

HOSA Prepares Future Health Professionals
HOSA is an international student organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education (HSE) Division of Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE). HOSA’s two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA’s goal is to encourage all health science instructors and students to join and be actively involved in the HSE-HOSA Partnership.
Three Ways To Get Involved

Start A Chapter
You can start a chapter using these three simple steps.

Become A Partner
Join our business partners and invest in the future of healthcare.

Judge events, mentor students, and lead local chapters.
How To Start A Chapter
Find A Faculty Member
Find a faculty member at your school to act as your chapter’s advisor.
Recruit Members
Next, find at least 5 people to join you. Ask your friends, classmates and anyone who might be interested in becoming a future Health Science Leader.
Register Your Chapter
Ask your advisor to help your REGISTER YOUR CHAPTER.